Malcolm Jenkins
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As a true student of the game, a dynamic playmaker, and a tireless philanthropist in the community, Malcolm Jenkins is a pillar in the Philadelphia Eagles locker room. 


The Malcolm Jenkins Foundation

“I have a responsibility to our youth to be a positive role model. I’m fortunate to be in a position to be looked up to by many kids and young adults and even admired by those older than me. I’m fortunate to be an example of making good choices.”



Jenkins has been named one of All Sports United's

2017 Most Valuable Philanthropist in Sports.

Donate to his All Stars of Giving campaign to help underserved youth.



Menswear & Mens Accessories



Fashion is all about being passionate, versatile and stepping outside of the box — all while owning your look.

Malcolm Jenkins, CEO of Damari Savile & Rock Avenue Bowties